Search Results
008. Chiropractic Philosophy and N.E.T. with Scott Walker D.C & Debbie Walker D.C
Your chiropractic technique is working better than you think with Dr. Scott Walker
What impact can emotional stress have on the body? - Deb Walker, D.C.
Dr. Scott Walker interviews Dr. Andrew Newberg - Part I
Dr. Scott Walker interviews Dr. Daniel A. Monti - Part III
How can N.E.T. help people with serious health conditions? - Frank Segreto, D.C.
Dr. Scott Walker interviews Dr. Andrew Newberg - Part III
006. Chiropractic Philosophy with Tim Young D.C
Valerie Pennacchio: The Philosophy of Chiropractic Part 1
Dr. Scott Walker interviews Dr. Daniel A. Monti - Part I
NETmindbody - An Explanation of NET.mp4
What did the data reveal about the Cerebellum? - Daniel Monti, M.D.